Funding, News and Announcements
» Go to news mainSSHRC Storytellers Contest
SSHRC recently launched its annual , challenging postsecondary students to creatively show Canadians how social sciences and humanities research has an impact on our lives and our communities.
The contest is open to all students—graduate and undergraduate—enrolled at Canadian postsecondary institutions. Their challenge is to tell the story, in 3 minutes or 300 words, of a SSHRC-funded research project—their own or a professor’s—taking place at their institution. We will select 25 finalists to receive a $3000 cash prize and specialized training in research communications. For details on this year’s Storytellers contest, please follow us on social media and visit the SSHRC website.Â
We encourage you to spread the word to faculty who may wish to encourage a student to profile their SSHRC-funded research. You will find various promotional materials at the .
Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with my colleague Sophie Boudreau ( or 613-992-5129), who is leading this file.
Please note that participant questions should be addressed to
Thank you for your collaboration.
Andrea Matyas
Director, Communications
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
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