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Times Cited: Web of Science – December 2013 – Total Citations: 1,050

  • Sampson, J., Duston, J., Croll, P. (2013). Superficial neuromasts facilitate non-visual feeding by larval striped bass (Morone saxatilis). Journal of Experimental Biology 216:3522-3530. Times cited: 0
  • Corey, P., Kim J.K., Duston, J., Garbary, D.J., and Prithiviraj, B. (2013). Bioremediation potential of Palmaraia palmata and Chondrus crispus (Basin Head): effect of nitrate and ammonium ratio as nitrogen source on nutrient removal. J. Appl. Physiol 25:1349-1358.Ìý Times cited: 1
  • Kim, J. K., Duston, J., Corey, P., Garbary, D. J. (2013). Marine finish effluent bioremediation: Effects of stocking density and temperature on nitrogen removal capacity of Chondrus crispus and Palmaria palmata (Rhodophyta). Aquaculture 414-415:210-216. Times cited 0
  • Duston, J. and Astatkie, T. (2012).Prey density and non-visual feeding by larval striped bass.Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 141:610-614. Time cited: 0
  • Corey, P., Kim, J.K., Garbary, D.J., Prithiviraj, B.K. and Duston, J. (2012).Integrating halibut and red macroalgae culture: effects of temperature and nitrate concentration on growth and nutrient removal.ÌýJ. Appl. Phycology 24: 441-448. Time cited: 1
  • Duston, J., Astatkie, T., and Zhang, C. 2011ÌýHypo-osmoregulatory capacity during smolting of endangered inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon and other eastern Canadian stocks.ÌýAquaculture: 319:221-225. Times cited: 1
  • Corey, P., Kim, J.K, Garbary, D.J., Prithiviraj, B., and Duston, J. 2011 Bioremediation potential ofÌýChondrus crispusÌý(Basin Head) andÌýPalmaria palmata: effect of temperature and high nitrate on nutrient removal.ÌýJ Appl Phycol. Times cited: 2
  • Cook, A.M., Duston, J. and Bradford, R.G. 2010ÌýTemperature and salinity effects on survival and growth of early life stage Shubenacadie River striped bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:749-757. Times cited: 4
  • Duston, J., Astatkie, T. and Murray, S.B. 2007ÌýEffects of salinity at constant 10°C on grow-out of anadromous Arctic charr from Labrador.ÌýAquaculture:Ìý273:679-686ÌýTimes cited: 3
  • MacIntosh, KE and Duston, J.Ìý2007.ÌýEffect of light intensity and eye development on prey capture by larval striped bassÌý(Morone saxatilis). J. Fish. Biol. 71: 725-736. Times cited: 5
  • Cook, A.M., Duston J. and Bradford R.G. 2006.ÌýThermal tolerance of a northern population of striped bassÌýMorone saxatilisÌýJ. Fish Biol 69: 1482-1490.Ìý Times cited: 8
  • Duston, J., Astatkie, T. and Murray, S.B. 2007ÌýEffects of salinity at constant 10°C on grow-out of anadromous Arctic charr from Labrador.ÌýAquaculture:Ìý273:679-686Ìý Times cited: 1
  • MacIntosh, KE and Duston, J.Ìý2007.ÌýEffect of light intensity and eye development on prey capture by larval striped bassÌý(Morone saxatilis). J. Fish. Biol. 71: 725-736. Times cited: 3
  • Cook, A.M., Duston J. and Bradford R.G. 2006.ÌýThermal tolerance of a northern populationof striped bassÌýMorone saxatilisÌýJ. Fish Biol 69: 1482-1490.Ìý Times cited: 6
  • Duston, J., Astatkie, T. and MacIsaac, P.F. 2005.ÌýGenetic influence of parr versus anadromous sires on the life histories of Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar)ÌýCan. J. Fish Aquat. Sci. 62: 2067-2075.Ìý Times cited: 12
  • Duston, J., Astatkie, T. and MacIsaac, P.F. 2004.ÌýEffect of body size on growth and food conversion of juvenile striped bass reared at 16 to 28C in fresh-and sea-water.ÌýAquaculture 234: 589-600.Ìý Times cited: 10
  • Duston, J., Astatkie, T. and MacIsaac, P. F. 2003. Long-to-short photoperiod in winter halves the incidence of sexual maturity among Arctic charr. Aquaculture 221: 567-580.Ìý Times cited: 9
  • Duston, J. and Cusack, R.R. 2002.ÌýEmamectin benzoate: an effective in-feed treatment against the gill parasite Salmincola edwardsii on brook trout. Aquaculture 207: 1-9.Ìý Times cited: 12
  • Duston, J., and Saunders, R.L. 1999.ÌýEffect of winter food deprivation on growth and sexual maturity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in seawater.ÌýCan. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56:201-207.Ìý Times cited: 21
  • Randall, C.F., Bromage, N., Duston, J. and Symes, J. 1998.ÌýPhotoperiod-induced phase-shifts of the endogenous clock controlling reproductin in the rainbow trout: a circannual phase-response curve.ÌýJ. Reprod. Fert. 112:399-405.Times cited: 34
  • Duston, J., and Saunders, R.L. (1997).ÌýLife histories of Atlantic salmon altered by winter temperature and summer rearing in fresh- or sea-water. Env. Biol. Fishes. 50: 149-166Ìý Times cited: 20
  • Duston, J. (1995).ÌýA light-reflectance meter to quantify silvering during smolting in Atlantic salmon. J. Fish Biol. 46: 912-914. Times cited: 7
  • Duston, J., and Saunders, R.L. (1995).ÌýAdvancing smolting to autumn in age 0+ Atlantic salmon by photoperiod, and long-term performance in seawater.Aquaculture 135:295-309Ìý Times cited: 51
  • Duston, J., and Saunders, R.L. 1995.ÌýIncreased winter temperature did not affect completion of smolting in Atlantic salmon.ÌýAquaculture International. 3: 196-204
  • Duston, J. 1994. Effect of salinity on survival and growth of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr and smolts. Aquaculture 121 : 115-124.Ìý Times cited: 27
  • Duston, J. 1993.ÌýEffects of dietary betaine and sodium chloride on seawater adaptation in Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar L.).ÌýComp. Biochem. Physiol. 105A : 673-677.Ìý Times cited: 12
  • Duston, J. and Saunders, R.L. 1992.ÌýEffect of 6, 12, 18 month photoperiod cycles on smolting and sexual maturation in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.).Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 49 : 2273-2280.Times cited: 38
  • Bromage, N., Jones, J. Randall, C., Thrush, M., Davies, B., Springate, J., Duston, J. and Barker, G. 1992.ÌýBroodstock management, fecundity, egg quality and the timing of egg production in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).Aquaculture, 100: 141-166.Ìý Times cited: 167
  • Bjerknes, V., Duston, J., Knox, D. and Harmon, P. 1992. Importance of body size for acclimation of underyearling Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar L.) to seawater. Aquaculture 104 : 357-366.Ìý Times cited: 17
  • Duston, J. and Knox, D. 1992. Acclimation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr to seawater in autumn : stimulatory effect of a long photoperiod. Aquaculture 103 : 341-358.Times cited: 9
  • McCormick, S.D., Dickhoff, W.W., Duston, J., Nishioka, R.S. and Bern, H.A. 1991. Developmental differences in the responsiveness of gill Na+K+ATPase to cortisol in salmonids. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 84 : 308-317.Ìý Times cited: 48
  • Duston, J. and Bromage, N. 1991.ÌýCircannual rhythms of gonadal maturation in female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).ÌýJ. Biol. Rhythms 6 : 49-53.Ìý Times cited: 21
  • Duston, J., Saunders, R.L. and Knox, D.E. 1991.ÌýEffects of increases in fresh water temperature on loss of smolt characteristics in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).ÌýCan. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci 48 : 162-169.Times cited: 45
  • Duston, J., and Saunders, R. L. 1990.ÌýThe entrainment role of photoperiod on hypoosmoregulatory and growth related aspects of smoltification in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).ÌýCan. J. Zool. 68 : 707-715. Times cited: 71
  • Duston, J., and Bromage, N. 1988.ÌýThe entrainment and gating of the endogenous circannual rhythm of reproduction in the female rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri).ÌýJ. Comp. Physiol. A 164: 259-268.Ìý Times cited: 66
  • Cyr, D. G., Bromage, N. R., Duston, J., and Eales, J. G. 1988. Seasonal patterns in serum levels of thyroid hormones and sex steroids in relation to photoperiod-induced changes in spawning time in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). Gen. Comp. Endocr. 69:217-225.Ìý Times cited: 49
  • Duston, J., and Bromage, N. 1987. Constant photoperiod regimes and the entrainment of the annual cycle of reproduction in the female rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). Gen. Comp. Endocr. 65: 373-384.Ìý Times cited:60
  • Duston, J., and Bromage, N. 1986. Photoperiodic mechanisms and rhythms of reproduction in the female rainbow trout. Fish Physiol. and Biochemistry 2: 35-51. Times cited:77
  • Bromage, N., and Duston, J. 1986. The control of spawning in the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) using photoperiod techniques. Rept. Instit. Fres. Drottn. 63: 26-51. Times cited:10
  • Pickering, A. D., and Duston, J. 1983.ÌýAdministration of cortisol to brown trout and its effects on the susceptibility to Saprolegnia infection and Furunculosis.ÌýJ. Fish Biol. 23: 163-175. Times cited:142
