» Go to news mainFriend of the Faculty of Agriculture Award
The Friend of the Faculty of Agriculture award recognizes persons and/or associations from outside the university community who have been instrumental in furthering the aims of the Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Campus.
The type of support for the Faculty and Campus that we would consider in candidates for this award could include a broad range of activities:
Candidates might be in other establishments where our students are stationed during work-terms, externships or practicums;
The recipients might have donated their time on an unpaid basis to Faculty functions involving students or to campus committees over a long period of time;
One suggested recipient has hosted international students repeatedly and refused reimbursement;
Another served on a committee for several years and has been instrumental in making some off-campus student activities a success.
Please consider nominating a deserving candidate for this award.
Deadline to submit nominations is March 31, 2015 to Keltie Jones at
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