BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Schulich School of Law//Events Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250224T072942Z DTSTART:20250306T163000Z DTEND:20250306T173000Z SUMMARY:Law Hour: Afghanistan to Canada – A Bridge of Bravery\, Determination\, and Sisterhood DESCRIPTION:Law Hour is pleased to welcome Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Mona Lynch back to her alma mater for her talk "Afghanistan to Canada: A Bridge of Bravery\, Determination\, and Sisterhood."\nFollow Â鶹´«Ã½ Law Hour on Instagram to stay up to date on future Law Hour events.\n\nContact Information: LOCATION:Room W105\, Weldon Law Building\n6061 University Ave. URL:/faculty/law/news-events/events/2025/03/06/law_hour.html UID:/faculty/law/news-events/events/2025/03/06/law_hour/_jcr_content/contentPar/dcalfacultyevent.html END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR