

Walter E. F. Burke

G. V. Douglas Memorial Award - 1982

B. Sc. Honours Thesis

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A large part of the mineralization of the Meguma Group is associated with the Goldenville - Halifax Transition. This Transition zone produces geophysical anomalies. Horizontal loop E.M. surveys show a strong conductive response in the area of contact between the slates of the Halifax Formation and the Goldenville quartzites. The Transition zone also shows a sharp magnetic linear anomaly. On the bases of these anomalies from reconnaissance geophysical surveys, St. Joseph Explorations Ltd. Carried out an extensive drilling program to test for mineralization at Eastville.

This project will concentrate on demonstrating the composition and shape of the structures producing the anomalies using data from drill core and the measure parameters, resistivity and susceptibility. Analysis of observed profiles using characteristic curves and theoretical values will be compared to the assumed models.

Pages: 44
Supervisor:Ìý Peter Reynolds