» Go to news mainResearch study ‑ Canadian Center for Vaccinology
Meningococcal disease type B (MnB)
· Meningococcal (men-in-juh-coc-cal) disease, also called meningitis (men-in-jai-tis), is a serious illness caused by a bacteria
· The tissues that surround the brain and spinal cord swell and become inflamed
· It is spread by
- Kissing
- Sharing the same water bottle or cup
- Coughing
- Sneezing
· There is no MnB licensed vaccine yet in Canada for 18-25 year olds so you are not already protected
A MnB vaccine is being tested at the IWK Health Centre. This vaccine is already widely used in other countries. If you are 18-25 years old you may be eligible to take part in this health research study. Study participants will be reimbursed.
· Email OR
· Call Robyn 470-7839
· Find the “Center for Vaccinology” on Facebook
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