» Go to news mainPhoto Contest ‑ Sustainable Oceans 2015
The Sustainable Oceans 2015 conference is holding the SOCANADA2015 photography contest!
Show us what ‘Healthy Oceans, Healthy Canada’ means to you and you could win!
Is it your local beach? A favorite creature? Your last visit to the seaside? We want to see what inspires you to care for Canada's Pacific, Arctic, or Atlantic ocean!
Submit your photos to our event by July 31st:
1st place photographer will receive a prize of $100 and top spot in our Sustainable Oceans Calendar
2-12 place photographers will be placed into the Sustainable Oceans Calendar
The Sustainable Oceans Calendar will be sold for donations at the Sustainable Oceans 2014 Conference:
ALL submitted photos will be displayed at the Sustainable Oceans 2015 conference!
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