» Go to news mainSenate Agenda ‑ February 12, 2018
Notice of Meeting
鶹ý Senate
Monday, February 12, 2018
3:00pm ‐ 5:00pm
Theatre A, Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building
Carleton Campus, Halifax
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Consent Agenda
2.1 Approval of Draft Minutes of January 8, 2017 Senate Meeting*
3. Matters Arising from the January 8, 2018 Senate Meeting Minutes
4. Steps to Make Diversity and Inclusion a Reality - Transgender Issues
Presenter: Kate Shewan, Executive Director, The Youth Project
Re: Strategic Priority 5.2 Foster a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness
5. IN CAMERA: Rescinding a 鶹ý Degree*
Presenter: Josh Leon, Dean, Faculty of Engineering
6. Senate Planning and Governance Committee:
Revised Election Guidelines for Faculty Academic Unit Reps on Senate*
Presenter: Kevin Hewitt, Chair, Senate Planning and Governance Committee
Re: Strategic Priority 5.1 Develop a human resource strategy that allows us to attract, support, and reward the best faculty and staff
7. Presentation: Employment Equity/Federal Contractors Program Dashboard
Presenters: Arig al Shaibah, Vice Provost, Student Affairs
Meghan Wagstaff, Equity Data Analyst, Data Analytics
8. Reports:
9.1 Chair of Senate's Report
9.2 President's Report
9.3 Questions for Reports
9. Question Period
10. Other Business