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CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Alumni Outreach Grant

Posted by Fountain School of Performing Arts, FASS on March 4, 2019 in General Announcements

TheFountain School of Performing Arts(FSPA)invitesproposalsforanܳԾٰܳ𲹳ҰԳup to $5,000. Funds will beawarded to FSPA alumni who are deemed eligible emerging artists, upon submission and approval of a project proposal in the outreach and recruitment category only. The grant aims to support alumni career development, FSPA community outreach, and recruitment.

Fundingproposalsmust be submitted byMarch 31, 2019to the FSPA Executive Committeeforconsideration. If the funding proposal is successful,funds will be accessible in the 2019-20 fiscal year (from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020).

For more information, application guidelines and forms, please visit theFSPA web-site.