

Subproject J: Communications


The OSC will be generating lots of valuable information adding credibility to the science and practice of organic agriculture. The communication of these research results will be an important part of this initiative. There are three main components to the communication plan:

1. Disseminating Information for Use by Practitioners

  • Provide an online overview of Canada's Organic Science Cluster
  • Have a webpage dedicated to reporting progress and results of research associated with the OSC
  • Translate the science of the Organic Science Cluster research into extension communications for practitioners
  • Increase awareness of organic research and the OSC

2. Translation 

  • Making research results available in both official languages

3. Scientific Conferences, and communications

  • Facilitate venues for organic researchers to gather, share results, and communicate, including a national organic scienc conference being planned for late 2012 or early 2013

Activity Summary

Organic agriculture is a knowledge-intensive business. Until now, organic farmers and processors have been remarkably successful with relatively low scientific support. However, to meet the increasing demand for Canadian organic products , it will be necessary to grow the sector in unprecedented ways. The original organic pioneers need new recruits. Canadian farmers and processors have a tradition of adopting products and methods developed by scientific investigation. The key is for these practitioners to have timely access to clearly presented, credible information. Furthermore, this information should be available to extension agents and farm magazines to facilitate adoption of research results as quickly as they become available. The results will be systematically presented  on the OACC website (www.oacc.info), in bulletins and newspaper articles and directly to participating industry partners. OACC will also assist practitioners to contact researchers as more specific information is required. Many practitioners have donated funds are keenly interested in the results.The feedback of practitioners is also expected to improve and refine the research as it progresses. Commercialization is expected to be the inevitable consequence.

Partners and Sponsors