

Volume XXVI (December 2008)

Table of Contents

Suzanne Stern-Gillet — Poets and Other Makers: Agathon's Speech in Context

Peter Kussmaul — Aristotle's Doctrine of Justice and the Law of Athens

Anna Zhyrkova —  Plotinus' Conception of the Genera of Sensibles

David G. Roberston — Talk, Ethics and Politics in Plotinus

Myrna Gabbe — Themistius as a Commentator on Aristotle: Understanding and Appreciating his Conception of Nous Pathetikos and  Phantasia

Edward P. Butler — The Gods and Being in Proclus

Bogdan G. Bucur — Dionysius East and West: Unities, Differentiations, and the Exegesis of Biblical Theophanies

Declan Lawell — Affective Excess: Ontology and Knowledge in the Thought of Thomas Gallus

Simon Fortier — The Relationship of the Kantian and Proclan Conceptions of Evil

Zeke Mazur — Unio Intellectualis? A Response to Beierwaltes on Unio Magica

Luca Lera — The Fascination of the Origin. Meister Eckhart as the Neoplatonic "Hidden Source" of Heidegger's Thought