

Publications 1990‑1999


54. Singh, P. B., Herbert, J., Roser, B., Arnott, L., Tucker, D. K., and Brown, R. E. Rearing rats in a germ-free environment eliminates their odours of individuality. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1990, 16, 1667-1682.

55.Ìý Schrans, T., Werker, J.F., and Brown, R.E.ÌýÌý Developmental differences in the accuracy of reporting the causal determinants of behaviour. International Journal of Behavioural Development, 1990, 13, 251-262.

56.Ìý Ryon, J., Brown, R. E. and Fentress, J. C. Food provisioning in captive coyotes (Canis latrans). American Zoologist, 1990, 30,Ìý p.108A. (Abstract).

57.Ìý Brown, R.E., Roser, B. and Singh, P.B.Ìý The MHC and individual odours in rats.Ìý In D.W. Macdonald, D. Müller-Schwarze and S. E. Natynczuk (editors),Ìý Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 5.Ìý Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990, 228-243.

58.Ìý Ryon, J. and Brown, R.E. ÌýUrine-marking in female wolves (Canis lupus):Ìý An indicator of dominance status and reproductive state.Ìý In D.W. Macdonald, D. Müller-Schwarze and S. E. Natynczuk (editors),Ìý Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 5.Ìý Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990, 346-351.


59.Ìý Roser, B., Brown, R. E. and Singh, P. B. Excretion of transplantation antigens as signals of genetic individuality. In C. J. Wysocki and M. R. Kare (editors),Ìý Chemical Senses, Volume 3: Genetics of Perception and Communication. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1991: 187-209.

60.Ìý Brown, R.E.Ìý Effects of rearing condition, gender and sexual experience on odor preferences and urine-marking in Long-Evans rats. Animal Learning and Behavior, 1991, 19, 18-28.

61.Ìý Brown, R.E. and Douglas, S.Ìý The behavior of adult male Long-Evans rats (Rattus norvegicus) toward pups of different ages. Behavioural Processes, 1991, 23,Ìý 89-102.

62.Ìý Schellinck, H. M., Brown, R. E., and Slotnick, B. M. Training rats to discriminate between the odors of individual conspecificss.Ìý Animal Learning and Behavior, 1991, 19, 223-233.

63.Ìý Ryan,Ìý C. L., Smythe, C., Brown, R. E., and Wilkinson, M.Ìý Effects of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid in neonatal monosodium glutamate treated rats. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1991, 17, 791.(Abstract).


64.Ìý Brown, R.E.Ìý Responses of dominant and subordinate male rats to the odors of male and female conspecifics. Aggressive Behavior, 1992, 18, 129-138.

65.Ìý Schellinck, H. M., West, A. M. and Brown, R. E.Ìý Rats can discriminate between the urine odors of genetically identical mice maintained on different diets.Ìý Physiology and Behavior, 1992, 51, 1079-1082.

66.Ìý Pearse-Pratt, R., Schellinck, H., Brown, R. and Roser, B.Ìý Evolutionary and immunological implications of the role of the MHC in olfactory signalling.Ìý In R.L. Doty and D. Müller-Schwarze (eds.) Chemical Signals in Vertebrates VI, Plenum Press, New York, 1992, 167-174.

67.Ìý Brown, R. E. and Schellinck, H. M. Interactions among the MHC, diet and bacteria in the production of social odors.Ìý In R.L. Doty and D. Müller-Schwarze (eds.) Chemical Signals in Vertebrates VI, Plenum Press, New York, 1992, 175-181.

68.Ìý Schellinck, H. M. and Brown, R. E.Ìý The discrimination of human male urine odors by rats is not influenced by the relatedness of the donors.Ìý In R.L. Doty and D. Müller-Schwarze (eds.) Chemical Signals in Vertebrates VI, Plenum Press, New York, 1992, 219-223.

69.Ìý Schellinck, H. M. and Brown, R. E.Ìý Why does germfree rearing eliminate the odors of individuality in rats but not in mice?ÌýÌý In R.L. Doty and D. Müller-Schwarze (eds.) Chemical Signals in Vertebrates VI, Plenum Press, New York, 1992, 237-241.


70.Ìý Schellinck, H.M., Smyth, C., Brown, R.E. and Wilkinson, M. Odour-induced sexual maturation and expression of c-fos in the olfactory system of juvenile female mice. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 1993, 4, 113. (Abstract).

71.Ìý Brown, R.Ìý Hormonal and experiential factors influencing paternal behaviour in male rodents: An integrative approach. Behavioural Processes, 1993, 28, 225 (Abstract).

72.Ìý Schellinck, H. M., Monahan, E., Brown, R.E. and Maxson, S.C.Ìý A comparison of the contribution of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and Y chromosomes to the discriminability of individual urine odors of mice by Long-Evans rats.Ìý BehaviorÌý Genetics, 1993, 23, 257-263.

73.Ìý Schellinck, H.M., Smyth, C., Brown, R. and Wilkinson, M. Odor-induced sexual maturation and expression of c-fosÌý in the olfactory system of juvenile female mice.Ìý Developmental Brain Research, 1993, 74, 138-141.

74.Ìý Carr, R.I., Sadi, D., Bolivar, V., Fentress, J., and Brown, R. Immune system function in 4 week old jimpy mice, a dysmyelinating CBA mutant. FASEB Journal, 1993, 7, p. A852. (Abstract).

75.Ìý Brown, R.E.Ìý Hormonal and experiential factors influencing parental behaviour in male rodents: An integrative approach.Ìý Behavioural Processes, 1993, 30, 1-28.

76.Ìý Carr, R.I., Sadi, D., Bolivar, V., Fentress, J., and Brown, R. Immune system abnormalities in 4 week old jimpy mice,Ìý a dysmyelinating CBA mutant. Clinical Investigations in Medicine, 1993, 16, B5.Ìý (Abstract).

77.Ìý Gubernick, D.J., Wright, S.L., and Brown, R.E. The significance of father's presence for offspring survival in the monogamous California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. Animal Behaviour, 1993, 46, 539-546.


78.Ìý Carr, R.I., Wong, F.K., Bitter-Suermann, B., Bolivar, V., Fentress, J., and Brown, R. Evidence for a suppressor defect in jimpyÌý (Jpy) mice.Ìý FASEB Journal, 1994, 8A, #243.Ìý (Abstract).

79.Ìý Brown, R. E. An Introduction to Neuroendocrinology. Cambridge University Press.Ìý 1994, 408 pp.

80.Ìý Bolivar, V. and Brown, R. E.Ìý The ontogeny of ultrasonic vocalizations and other behaviors in male jimpy (jp/Y) mice and their normal male littermates.Ìý Developmental Psychobiology, 1994, 27, 101-110.

81.Ìý Brown, R. E., Schellinck, H.M., Smyth, C.,Ìý and Wilkinson, M. Odour-induced puberty and expression of c-fosÌý in the olfactory bulb of juvenile female mice (Mus musculus).Ìý In K. Kurihara, N. Suzuki, and H. Ogawa, Editors, Olfaction and Taste XI, Springer-Verlag, 1994, p. 451.

82.Ìý Brown, R. E.Ìý Cell biology of olfaction.Ìý Quarterly Review of Biology, 1994, 69, p. 301. (Book review).

83.Ìý Carr, R.I., Wong, F.K., Bitter-Suermann, B., Bolivar, V., Fentress, J., and Brown, R. Suppressor cell defect in jimpyÌý (Jpy) mice.Ìý Clinical and Investigative Medicine, 1994,17, Suppl.Ìý B8, #20.Ìý (Abstract).


84.Ìý Bolivar, V. J. and Brown, R. E. Selective retrieval of jimpy mutant pups over normal male littermates by lactating female B6CBACa-Aw-J/A-Ta jpÌý mice.ÌýÌý Behavior Genetics, 1995, 25, 75-80.

85. Schellinck, H.M., Rooney, E., and Brown, R.E.Ìý Odors of individuality of germfree mice are not discriminated by rats in a habituation-dishabituation procedure.ÌýÌý Physiology and Behavior, 1995, 57, 1005-1008.

86.Ìý Ninomiya, K. and Brown, R.E.Ìý Removal of the preputial glands alters the individual odors of male MHC-congenic mice and the preferences of females for these odours. Physiology and Behavior,1995,58,191-194.

87.Ìý Brown, R. E. and Schellinck, H. M., Smyth, C. and Wilkinson, M.Ìý Odour-induced sexual maturation and expression of c-fos in the olfactory system of juvenile female mice.Ìý Chemical Senses, 1995, 20,ÌýÌýÌýÌý p. 140 (Abstract)

88.Ìý Schellinck, H. M. and Brown, R. E.Ìý The influence of dietary and genetic cues on the ability of rats (Rattus norvegicus ) to discriminate between the urine odours of MHC-congenic mice.ÌýÌýÌý Chemical Senses, 1995, 20, p. 173-174. (Abstract)

89.Ìý Brown, R. E.Ìý What is the role of the immune system in determining individually distinct body odours?Ìý International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 1995,Ìý 17, 655-661.

90. Brown, R.E., Murdoch, T., Murphy, P.R. and Moger, W.H. Hormonal responses of male gerbils to stimuli from their mate and pups.Ìý Hormones and Behavior, 1995, 29, 474-491.

91. Brown, R. E., Dastur, F., Wiles, D., and McGregor, I.Ìý Effects if dopamine agonists and antagonists on body temperature, activity and ultrasonic vocalizations or rat pups.Ìý Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1995, 21 (AbstractÌý #445.11).

92.Ìý Brown, R. E. and Schellinck, H. M.Ìý Effects of selective depletion of gut bacteria on the odours of individuality in rats.Ìý In:Ìý R. Apfelbach, D. Müller-Schwarze, K. Reutter and E. Weiler (eds.) Chemical Signals in Vertebrates VII, Pergamon Press, New York, pp. 267-271, 1995.

93.Ìý Schellinck, H. M. and Brown, R. E.ÌýÌý Methodological questions in the study of the rat's ability to discriminate between the odours of individual conspecifics.Ìý In:Ìý R. Apfelbach, D. Müller-Schwarze, K. Reutter and E. Weiler (eds.) Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 7, Pergamon, New York, pp.427-36, 1995.


94.Ìý ÌýBrown, R.E., Schellinck, H.M. and West, A.M.Ìý The influence of dietary and genetic cues on the ability of rats to discriminate between the urine odors of MHC congenic mice.Ìý Physiology and Behavior, 1996, 60, 365-372.

95. Schellinck, H.M. and Brown, R. E.Ìý Mechanisms determining individual odours in mammals. International Journal of Psychology, 1996, 31, 284.12 (Abstract).

96. Brown, R.E., Dastur, F., McLennan, A., and McGregor, I. The cannabinoid agonist CP55,940 reduces ultrasonic vocalizations of infant rats. International Journal of Psychology, 1996, 31, 384.4 (Abstract).

97. Brown, R. E. and Cantoni, D.Ìý Male parental care increases pup survival and reproductive success in California mice. International Journal of Psychology, 1996, 31, 546.6 (Abstract).

98. McGregor, I.S., Dastur, F., McLellan, R.A., and Brown, R.E. Cannabinoid modulation of rat pup ultrasonic vocalizations.Ìý European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996,Ìý 313, 43-49.


99. Cantoni, D. and Brown, R. E.Ìý Male influence on interbirth interval in the monogamous California mouse when required to forage for food. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1997, 807, 486-489.

100. Brown, R. E. Olfaction and gustation. Review of: Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation.Ìý Applied Animal Behaviour Science,Ìý 1997, 51, 179-182.Ìý (Book Review).

101. Schellinck, H.M., Slotnick, B.M. and Brown, R.E.Ìý Odors of individuality originating from the major histocompatibility complex are masked by diet cues in the urine of rats. Animal Learning and Behavior,Ìý 1997, 25, 193-199.

102. Cantoni, D. and Brown, R.E. Male parental investment and female reproductive success in the California mouse, Peromyscus californicus.Ìý Animal Behaviour, 1997, 54, 377-386.

103. Sokoloff, G., Blumberg, M.S., Mendella, P., and Brown, R. E. Clonidine - and separation-induced ultrasound production in infant rats: Cardiovascular interactions.Ìý Developmental Psychobiology, 1997, 30, 265 (Abstract #101).

104. Winters, B. and Brown, R. E. Continuous delayed match / non-match to sample: An odour-guided test of working memory in the rat.Ìý Journal of Psychopharmacology, 1997, 11, Suppl., A66. (Abstract #261)

105. Brown, R.E., Moran, T.D., and Slotnick, B.M. Conditioned Aversion To Aqueous Odours.Ìý Chemical Senses, 1997, 22, p. 651. (Abstract #52)

106. Brown, R.E., Cantoni, D., Gibson, W.,Ìý and Lee, A.W.Ìý Male removal alters the gestation period and timing of parturition in females of the monogamous California mouse, Peromyscus californicus.Ìý Advances in Ethology: Ethology supplement, 1997, 32, 248 (Abstract # 466T).

107. Brown, R.E. Introduction: Olfactory communication in mammals symposium. Advances in Ethology: Ethology supplement, 1997, 32, 33 (Abstract # 46S).

108. Brown, R.E. and Winters, B. Effect of scopolamine on rats in an odour-guided test of working memory.Ìý Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1997, 23, p.214 (Abstract # 90.7).

109. Brown, R.E. and Stanford, L. The Hebb-Williams Maze: 50 years of research (1946-1996). Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1997, 23, p.278 (Abstract # 110.14).

110. Mendella, P.D., Corey, S.C., Moore, A., Stanford, L., Campagnaro, P.A., & Brown, R.E.Ìý 8-OH-DPAT differentially influences two measures of anxiety: ultrasonic vocalizations and behaviour in the elevated zero maze, in 18 day old rats. Behavioural Pharmacology, 1997, 8, p. 657 (Abstract).


111. Brown, R.E. & Mendella, P. D. Changes in anxiety-related behaviours following 8-OH-DPATÌý administration in 18 day old rat pups.Ìý Developmental Psychobiology, 1998, 32, p. 143 (Abstract #14).

112. Stanford, L., Ward, N.L., Brown, R.E. and Hagg, T. P75NGFR - deficient mice show faster learning but decreased working memory in the Hebb-Williams maze. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1998, 24, p.179 ( Abstract # 74.14).

113. Brown, R.E. Hormonios e comportamento parental. In: M.J.R. Paranhos da Costa e V.U. Cromberg (Editores): Comportamento maternal em mamiferos: Bases teoricas e aplicaçoes aos ruminantes domesticos. Sao Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Etologia, 1998, p. 53-99.Ìý [In Portugese]
[Brown, R.E. Hormones and parental behaviour. In: M. Paranhos da Costa and V.U. Cromberg (editors): Proceedings of the Symposium onÌý Maternal Behaviour in Mammals:Ìý Theoretical basis and applications to domestic ruminants. Sao Paulo, Brazilian Ethological Society, 1998, p. 53-99.]

114. Brown, R.E. Influencias da experiencia previa e de hormonios no comportamento paterno de roedores: Uma abordagem integrativa. In: M.J.R. Paranhos da Costa e V.U. Cromberg (Editores): Comportamento maternal em mamiferos: Bases teoricas e aplicaçoes aos ruminantes domesticos. Sao Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Etologia, 1998, p. 115-160. [In Portugese]
[Brown, R.E. Influence of previous experience and hormones on paternal behaviour in rodents: An integrative review.Ìý In: M. Paranhos da Costa and V.U. Cromberg (editors): Proceedings of the Symposium onÌý Maternal Behaviour in Mammals:Ìý Theoretical basis and applications to domestic ruminants. Sao Paulo, Brazilian Ethological Society, 1998, p. 115-160.]

115. Brown, R.E., Stanford, L. and Schellinck, H.M. Mouse IQ: A systematic set of learning and memory tests for knockout and mutant mice.Ìý Brain Research, 1998, 809, p. A24 (Abstract #P3-3).

116. Brown, R.E., Dastur, F., Stanford, L., and Schellinck, H. Mouse IQ: Development of standardized test batteries for knockout and mutant mice. Developmental Psychobiology, 1998, 33, p.368. (Abstract#13).

117. McLellan, R.A., Wilkinson, M. and Brown, R.E.ÌýÌý MK-801 and male odours induce c-fos expression in the AOB of juvenile female mice.Ìý NeuroReport, 1998, 9, 3919-3924.

118. Mendella, P.D., Hughes, R.J., Szczesniak, A-M. and Brown, R.E. Neither cholecystokinin octapeptide-sulfated (CCK-8S) nor boc-cholecystokinin tetrapeptide (BOC-CCK-4) influence separation-induced ultrasonic vocalizations in 12 day old Long-Evans hooded rat pups. Behavioural Pharmacology, 1998, 9, Supplement 1, p.S62. (Abstract ).


119. Pearse-Pratt, R., Schellinck, H., Brown, R., Singh, P.B. and Roser, B. Soluble MHC antigens and olfactory recognition of genetic individuality: the mechanism.Ìý Genetica, 1999, 104, 223-230.

120. Brown, R.E., Schellinck, H.M. and Jagosh, J.Ìý Behavioural studies of MHC-congenic mice.Ìý Genetica, 1999, 104, 249-257.

121. Brown, R.E. The olfactory world of the rodent. In.Z-B Zhang, L. Hinds, G. Singleton, and Z-W. Wang (Editors). Rodent Biology and Management. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), 1999, Technical Report 45, p. 98. (Abstract).

122. Schellinck, H.M. and Brown, R.E. Searching for the source of urinary odors of individuality in rodents. Advances in Chemical Signals in Vertebrates, R. E. Johnston, D. Muller-Schwartze, and P.W.Sorenson (Editors). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, NY, 1999, 267-280.

123.Ìý Cantoni, D., Glaizot, O., and Brown, R.E. Effects of sex composition of the litter on anogenital distanceÌý in California mice (Peromyscus californicus).Ìý Canadian Journal of Zoology, 1999, 77, 124-131.

124. Brown, R. E. and Lee, A. W. Male parental behaviour in mammals: What do we know?Ìý Advances in Ethology, 1999, 34, page 2 (Abstract PL 2).

125. Brown, R.E., Dastur, F., Stanford, L., and Schellinck, H. M.Ìý The mouse IQ test: Systematic behavioural test procedures for transgenic, knockout and mutant mice.Ìý Advances in Ethology, 1999, 34, page 46 (Abstract S 59).

126. Mendella, P. D., Hughes, R.J., Szczesniak, A-M., and Brown, R.E. A preliminary analysis of the effects of cholecystokinin tetrapeptide on isolation-induced ultrasonic vocalizations in Long-Evans hooded rat pups. Behavioral Pharmacology, 1999, 10, Suppl. 1, p. S61-S62.Ìý (Abstract).

127. Brown, R.E. and Clements, R. L. 100 Years of mazes in Psychology and Neuroscience. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1999, 25, page 261. (Abstract 103.24).

128. Stanford, L., Brown, R.E., Taylor, S.W. and Neumann, P.E.Ìý Using "mouse IQ" testing to assess learning and anxiety behaviours in barrelless mutant mice.Ìý Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1999, 25, page 641. (Abstract 256.8).

129.Ward, N.L., Stanford, L.E.,Ìý Brown, R.E., and Hagg,Ìý T. Absence of p75 NGF receptor does not affect the cholinergic septohippocampal system of aging mice.Ìý Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1999, 25, page 1781. (Abstract 707.1).

130. Podhorna, J. and Brown, R.E.Ìý Inhibition of nitric oxide sythase reduces ultrasonic vocalizations in rat pups. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1999, 25, page 2135. (Abstract 854.16).

131. Brown, R.E., Mathieson, W. B., Stapleton, J., and Neumann, P.E.Ìý Maternal behavior in female C57BL/6J and DBA/2J inbred mice.Ìý Physiology and Behavior, 1999, 67, 599-605.

132. Dastur, F.N., McGregor, I.S., and Brown, R.E. Dopaminergic modulation of rat pup ultrasonic vocalizations.Ìý European Journal of Pharmacology, 1999, 382, 53-67.

133. Brown, R.E.,Ìý Corey, S.C. and Moore, A.K. Differences in measures of exploration and fear in MHC-congenic C57BL/6J and B6-H-2K mice.Ìý Behavior Genetics, 1999, 29, 263-271.

134. Podhorna, J. and Brown, R.E.Ìý Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase reduces ultrasonic vocalizations of rat pups.Ìý European Journal of Pharmacology, 1999, 382, 143-150.Ìý