

Heritable Genome Editing


  • Tromberg, F. (27 Sep 2019). . Interview with Françoise Baylis. Pure Radio Production, 103.7 FM & 1320 AM, Jacksonville FL.
  • Spear, M. (27 Sep 2019). . Interview with Françoise Baylis. GenomeAlberta
  • Stein, R. (22 Aug 2019). . Interview with June Wang and Françoise Baylis.  NPR /SDPB Radio.
  • Bresnahan, R. (9 Jul 2019). . Interview with Françoise Baylis. As It Happens - CBC Radio. 
  • Lopes, R. (28 Nov 2018).   Interview with Françoise Baylis.The Dissenter.
  • CTV staff. (26 Nov 2018). '.' Interview with Françoise Baylis. CTV News.



  • d'Entremont, Y. (14 Sep 2019). . The Star. 
  • Mullin, R. (28 Aug 2019). Chemical & Engineering News, 97(34): online.
  • Stein, R. (22 Aug 2019). . NPR.
  • Buck, G. (8 Jul 2019). . National Post.
  • Keshavan, M. (8 Sept 2017). . STAT News.


  • Baylis, F. (18 Sep 2018). . Impact Ethics.
  • Bayliis, F. (3 Apr 2019). Bioethics Forum. 
  • Baylis, F., & Darnovsky, M. (17 Jan 2019). . Bioethics Forum. 
  • Getz, L., Dellaire, G., & Baylis, F. (10 Dec 2018). . Bioethics Forum.
  • Baylis, F, Dellaire, G., & Getz, L. (27 Nov 2018). . The Conversation.
  • Baylis, F. (26 Nov 2018). Impact Ethics. 
  • Baylis, F., & Cattapan, A. (2 Oct 2017). . Impact Ethics.
  • Baylis, F. (1 Oct 2017). . The Conversation.
  • Baylis, F. (1 Aug 2017). . The Conversation.

  • Baylis, F. (17 Feb 2017). ? Impact Ethics. 
  • Baylis, F. (12 Feb 2016). . Impact Ethics. 
  • Baylis, F. (3 Feb 2016). . Impact Ethics.



  • Baylis, F. (2019). . Issues in Science and Technology, 35(3), 42-44.
  • Lander, E., Baylis, F., Zhang, F. et al. (2019). . Nature. 567, 165-168. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-019-00726-5.
  • Baylis, F. (2019). . Nature Human Behaviour, 3(200). DOI: 10.1038/s41562-019-0544-3.
  • Saha, K., Hurlbut, J.B., Jasanoff, S., Ahmed, A., Appiah, A., Bartholet, E., Baylis, F. et al. (2018). . Trends in Biotechnology, DOI: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2018.04.008. [Epub ahead of print].
  • Hurlbut, J.B., Jasanoff, S., Saha, K., Ahmed, A., Appiah, A., Bartholet, E., Baylis, F. et al. (2018). . Trends in Biotechnology, 36(7), 639-641. DOI: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2018.04.009
  • Baylis, F. (2018). . Clinical Chemistry, 64(3), 489-491. DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2017.278317
  • Baylis, F., &  McLeod, M. (2017). Current Gene Therapy, 17(4), 309-319. DOI:
  • Baylis, F. (2017). . Nature Human Behaviour, 1, 0103. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-017-0103
  • Baylis, F. (2017). . Bioethics, 31(1), 7-19. DOI:10.1111/bioe.12309
  • Vasiliou, S.K., Diamandis, E.P., Church, G.M, Greely, H.T., Baylis, F., Thompson, C., & Schmitt-Ulms, G. (2016). . Clinical Chemistry 62(10), 1304-11. DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2016.263186
  • Baylis, F. (2016) . Harvard Health Policy Review, 15(2), 19-23.
  • Baylis, F. (2016). . RSC Reports from Abroad.
  • Baylis, F. and Rossant, J. (2016). Walrus Magazine, April, 15-17.
  • Organizing Committee for the International Summit on Human Gene Editing. (3 Dec 2015). . The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine.
  • Committee on Science, Technology, and Law Policy and Global Affairs. (Meeting in brief, 1-3 Dec 2015). . Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.


  •  Baltimore, D., Baylis, F., Berg, P. et al. (3 Dec 2015). The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine.
  • Petropanagos, A., & Mariscal, C. (20 Feb 2016). . Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
nte-heritable genetic modification