

Animal Welfare in Organic Livestock Production

General resources for animal welfare in organic livestock production

Practical Resources

    • National Farm Animal Care Council
  • [PDF - 14.6 MB]
    • Canadian Farm Business Management Council. 2010

Scientific Results

    • Veterinary Record (2012) 170: 152
    • Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics (2012) 25: 333-347
    • Organic Eprints
    • animal (2013) 7: 998-1010
    • animal (2012) 6: 1261-1274
    • Livestock Production Science (2003) 80: 55–68
    • Animal Welfare (2003) 12: 479-492
    • Animal Welfare (2010) 19: 45-54

Resources for specific aspects of animal welfare in organic livestock production

Animal Welfare Task Force

Additional Animal Welfare resources for specific livestock groups in organic production can be found on the Dairy, Beef, Poultry, Sheep and Goat, and Swine pages.