

Impacts of Organic Agriculture on Soil Biology

Practical Resources

    • Organic Eprints. 2012

Scientific Results

    • Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2006) 113:17-35
    • Applied Soil Ecology (2011) 50: 14-20
    • Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2011) 141: 210-214
    • Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2013) 79: 1284-1292
    • Oecologia (2004) 138: 575-583
    • Soil Biology and Biochemistry (2010) 43: 20-30
    • Mycorrhiza (2009) 19: 317-328
    • New Phytologist (2010) 186: 968-979
    • PLoS ONE 7(12): e51897
    • Environmental Microbiology (2011) 13: 241-249
    • Applied Soil Ecology (2012) 61: 16-25


For more information on the effects of organic agriculture on soil biology, please see the Soil Health and Quality pages of this site.